Thursday, June 1, 2023

Pez Outlaw In A Nutshell. #Peacock #Prime

The Pez Outlaw Movie is on Peacock & Amazon Prime.

I just hate telephones with a passion

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I spent 1/2 million to get the misfits made. $300,000.00 of that was financed in various ways.
line of credit$125,000
Second Morgage $125,000
Credit cards $50,000
Cash on hand $200,000
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So 1998 to 2018 ish was not a fun time. Bill collectors were maddening. we almost lost the farm at least 3 times n the last time in 2018 we came within 7 days of forclosure. Tina Gunsauls saved us from that.

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So yeah I really dislike telephones.
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The depths of our depression for 2 decades was as bad as it gets
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The 1st decade after the misfitts I was filled with hate n rage. By 2018 I had to let all that go, it was killing me.
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I have no room left in my heart for Hate.
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What I have written is the story, but I no longer wear it to my detriment.
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I would happily sit down with Pez USA for them to make the Pez Outlaw, Correction Larry Mason Would. I have decided that Larry Mason is Point man on that project. His creativity has earned him that seat at the table.
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I know that eventually there will be A Hollywood adaptation of the Pez Outlaw. I know that there will eventually be a Publishe Pez Outlaw Book, at a publishing house not self published. I also know that eventually Pez Corporation will produce the Pez Outlaw as a dispenser.
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What I don't know is if I will be here to see it. Not young anymore n these things take so long to happen
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The reason that I know that these things will happen is that The Pez Outlaw Story is really good. Amy n Bryan Storkel proved that. God bless them
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The Pez Outlaw is every man n women who strives for a better life. We all yearn for something better, that magic moment in our lives where we truly know happyness.
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I do not have fans, I have friends. Kind Friends who have helped pull me out of my pit of dispair. I am so gratefull to them for there friendship..
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On a personal note, My life has not changed a drop since the release of Amy n Bryans movie.
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I have never seen the movie n never will. Because then I would be changed n i choose not to.
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I love all my friends here on facebook. We chat n I tell stories. We talk about life, because you know "Life is really Hard".
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I try to share all I can about my mental health journey, in hopes that it helps someone even in some small way.
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I hope that some of this has been useful. Thank you for being interested in my story.